Anker iPad Mini / iPad Mini 2 / iPad Mini 3 Tempered Glass Screen Protector with Retina Display and Easy Installation (Not Compatible with iPad Mini 4)

  • Industry-high hardness: Effectively resists scratches up to 9H.
  • High-response & high-transparency: Only 0.33mm thick; maintains the original touch experience. High transparency: 94% light penetration ratio preserves the original viewing quality.
  • Smudge and fingerprint resistant: Oleophobic coating reduces smudges and fingerprints, ensures easy cleaning.
  • Anti-chip rounded edge improves gliding and grip experience.
  • Package contents: Anker Tempered Glass Screen Protector, alcohol towelette, microfiber cloth, dust-removal adhesive strip, 2 home button stickers (black / silver), instruction manual. Hassle-free customer service.

I always have had problems getting one of these things properly aligned and pasted down without any air bubbles. As you can see from the photo, this one is perfectly aligned (almost) and no air bubbles. That's because of the ingenuous "hinge" system of little paste on stickers that allows you to align it before removing the backing and pasting down. One little detail: What I found was that it works better if, when you paste it down, you hold up the side away from the hinges just a little bit and roll it down towards that far side, pressing down with a piece of stiff cardboard or something like that. That rolled it down so that all the air was squeezed out as I went. I also didn't find that it was any harder to get the iPad to respond to my touch after the protector was in place. Good product. Good installation design.

I actually had to buy this item twice. The first time I tried to install it I rushed and didn't undersstand the instructions, so the screen protector did not stick on completely. It's only $10, and my first iPads screen got cracked badly enough to affect its functionality. That screen was protected by a plastic film Springboard installed for substantially more. After I bought the Anker screen the second time, either Anker or Amazon sent me a link to a short YouTube video that showed how to install it. I watched the video a couple of times, and installed it when I was relaxed and had time.It came out perfect. You can't even tell it has a screen protector. But I would advise watching that YouTube installation video. I'm not sure how to see it without the link they sent me. Maybe there's something in the instructions, or you can just google something like "Anker iPad screen protector YouTube installation video".

So I finally found a screen protector for the iPad Mini that actually works and doesn't make you want to pull your hair out with frustration when you're trying to install it! I've tried a few other brands, at least two that I can think of off the top of my head, and I never got good results with them which is why I went ahead and went with Anker and purchased this cover because of the good reviews. The good reviews are true, because this is an awesome screen protector! This came with literally everything that you need to properly align the screen protector, remove all dust and fingerprints, and it left my screen with no air bubbles whatsoever, which made it totally worth it for me. Every other screen protector I've tried, no matter what I did, I always had air bubbles somewhere. Ugh! I'm using this with a Spigen air cushion cover/case, and it's a perfect fit.

The glass protector is super smooth and crystal clear. The kit also comes with little metal like button covers that fit flush to the glass protector. I posted some pics of the whole package if anyone is curious of the contents. You can also get an idea of the rounded edges from my last pic that shows how flush the button covers sit.

7:06 0:00 This video is not intended for all audiences. What date were you born? JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990198919881987198619851984198319821981198019791978197719761975197419731972197119701969196819671966196519641963196219611960195919581957195619551954195319521951195019491948194719461945194419431942194119401939193819371936193519341933193219311930192919281927192619251924192319221921192019191918191719161915191419131912191119101909190819071906190519041903190219011900 Submit Adobe Flash Player is required to watch this video. Install Flash Player Recently I have become a fan of tempered glass screen protectors. Anker is one of my favorite brands too. What I like: - Feels like glass - Smooth - Protective What I don't like: - Not as fingerprint resistant as I'd prefer, but easy to wipe off

I ordered the tempered glass screen protector. It was very easy to install on my iPad mini 2nd Gen & had very well written instructions. The application stickers made it a breeze to put on. I have OCD & I can't stand it when my screen protectors do not line up properly. This one went on smoothly & is perfectly aligned & because of the helpful application stickers & dust removal sticker, there are absolutely no bubbles or dust stuck between the screen & this protector & it is perfectly aligned with the front facing camera, as well as the home button. It also comes with 2 home button stickers as a bonus, one lack, one silver. Once applied, they allow a smoother transition from button to screen.

This was a great buy. I just installed this on my daughters new ipad, and I have to say I love it. The packaging this product comes in is very modern. Usually I expect just a sleeve with the usual microfiber cloth and alcohol wipe, but Anker really put some thought into the packaging as well as the installation process. While installing this took a few extra steps it really is ingenious. You have to apply two stickers to the back of the device, align the protector, attach the stickers and then attach another to move it like a page in a book. You clean the screen and then with the stickers you avoid getting any fingerprint on the protector or screen and it's perfectly aligned! This is such a simple but great idea I am surprised more products aren't using it. So far so good too, the screen is clear and there aren't any issues with tactile feedback. It's like it isn't even there, which is the goal. I'll update if anything changes. Worth the money and time to install. Thanks Anker!

I've had anker tempered glass and phone cases and I've loved everything. Compared to the other tempered glass screen protectors I've tried, anker has always outlasted each of them (anker usually lasts me months before cracking, others are lucky to last weeks). So when I got an iPad mini for college, I figured I'd take a leap and buy it (I mean for $10, why not?) I'm very used to how to install anker's screen protectors now (the stickers and instructions make it very easy), and while an iPad mini may be bigger than my iPhone 6, it's the same process. I've never had a screen protector bubble on me before, but I was able to successfully push out all the air bubbles and the home buttons were a very nice add-in. I expect to need to buy another one at least once in the next four years, and I know I'll be coming back and buying this one!

This was a perfect fit and is super clear with zero color shift. These glass screen protectors are a must have. Don't be a dope, watch a couple of videos on how to install this before you screw up the installation and then post they are junk. Surface and work area prep is everything. Don't install in a dust or pet hair filled area because that one dust particle or pet hair will screw up an other wise perfect installation.

Pictures say 1000 words! Bought for daughter's Ipad Mini, son dropped it today. Daughter in tears because her "screen cracked". NOPE, Anker Tempered Glass Screen Proctector did the job! Not a scratch on the Ipad screen. Best $12.99 I've ever spent. Ordering another one right now. Thanks Anker!


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